Continuous Improvement (CI) conception requires the introduction of numerous changes of\nvarying degrees of novelty and complexity. In this article, attention has been focused on\norganisations operating in the production industry that focused on development based on the\nconcept of Continuous Improvement. The article aims to define and classify improvement\nprojects and indicate techniques recommended in their management, and to present the role\nwhich they play in implementing the assumptions of continuous improvement in\nmanufacturing companies. The authors have defined that an improvement project is a unique\nundertaking aimed at achieving the goal of improving the organisation and its processes; it is\na sequence of completed and related activities. It is planned in time and has allocated\nresources necessary for its implementation. Links between project management and the CI\nconcept were discussed, and a classification of improvement projects was presented. In\naddition, the example presented in the article aims to analyse improvement projects in a\nproduction enterprise pursuing the rules of CI and supplementing their characteristics and\nclassification presented in the literature.